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  1. Best 3d Settings for Silent Hill 1

Texture Pack

Texture replacements are new in psx and very different on mednafen and duckstation. Seems I have a duckstation texture pack. So we need to just launch from duckstsation directly.
youtube duckstation tutorial
Two GB of files with a duckstation yaml file
It seems we have an old duckstation that can't support this texture pack.
So lets update retobat then duckstation.

Duck station

Retrobat normally configures otgher emulators but for duckstation external I think there is a disconnect. Also I updated outside of retrobat so retrobat probably can't control duckstation. So we need to get settings correct in duckstation for 3d games with texture loading on. We can see if Textures are bneing loaded as it shows loading textures for a minutes as I checked preload. ScaledDithering = true