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Best 3d Settings for games like Silent Hill should go here. 16x internal res is already set in per system global settings. This has the best impact. Next for 3d only 16/9 is good. Wide Screen seems to work best with this setting. Stay awau from hacks, etc. Wide screen hacks here for psx seem to suck, but 16/9 is good.


16.9 is good for 3d games. BAD for 2d Games. Makes stuff look stretched. Even though there is some stretching in 3d it's not as noticable so I think it's worth always enabling this for 3d.

Visual Rendering

  1. Video Filters
  2. Smooth Games Bilinear Filtering
  3. Anti Aliasing
  4. Texture Filter
  5. Custom Textures
  6. Dithering Pattern
  7. Perspective Correction (PGXP)
I see no different with any of these so just leave on auto

Perspective Correction (PGXP)

This is supposed to fix when 3d models get jumpy lines. We should try it sometime when we actually notice the jumpy lines. Crash doesn't have jump lines, but silent hill 1 did, So this could be could on SH1.

Custom Texture

Want to try with SH1.