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fbNEO Controls
- unlike mame fbNEO does not have an internal config menu
- The only way to remap anything is from retroarch.
- p2 start button is already acting as Action 2 Button in fbNeo. Still I prefer to swap action button 1 with action button 2.
- RGUI (retroarch) menu can be launched while in game pressing both coin door buttons at same time
- Visible controls that can be remapped in RGUI seem to be game specific so I recommend just overriding per game
- There is no P2 Start Action to remap in fbNEO
FinalBurn Neo Remaps
- RetroArch FinalBurn Neo Remap File is stored here:
- \\donkeykong\configs\fba\FinalBurn Neo\dkongx.rmp
I just ended up doing game rempas for the following in dbNEO. Cannot make p2 start button work as p2 start so, p2 start and action are both jump buttons.
- dkchrmx
- dkongpe
- dkongx
- dkspkyrmx
- dkong
Core Remap File
Core remap /opt/retropie/configs/fba/FinalBurn Neo/FinalBurn Neo.rmp
Not using this.
fbNeo Controls