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fbNEO Controls

  1. unlike mame fbNEO does not have an internal config menu
  2. The only way to remap anything is from retroarch.
  3. p2 start button is already acting as Action 2 Button in fbNeo. Still I prefer to swap action button 1 with action button 2.
  4. RGUI (retroarch) menu can be launched while in game pressing both coin door buttons at same time
  5. Visible controls that can be remapped in RGUI seem to be game specific so I recommend just overriding per game
  6. There is no P2 Start Action to remap in fbNEO

FinalBurn Neo Remaps

  1. RetroArch FinalBurn Neo Remap File is stored here:
  2. \\donkeykong\configs\fba\FinalBurn Neo\dkongx.rmp
I just ended up doing game rempas for the following in dbNEO. Cannot make p2 start button work as p2 start so, p2 start and action are both jump buttons.
  1. dkchrmx
  2. dkongpe
  3. dkongx
  4. dkspkyrmx
  5. dkong

Core Remap File

Core remap /opt/retropie/configs/fba/FinalBurn Neo/FinalBurn Neo.rmp
Not using this.

fbNeo Controls