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Before we can even talk about controls we need to talk about emulating colecovision and it's such a PITA. I used coolCV before but noticed that this emulator is not installed by default and does not work with pie 4.
Instead retropie now defaults to lr-fbneo-cv.
emulators.cfg located here
Has the following contents:
lr-fbneo-cv = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fbneo/ --subsystem cv --config /opt/retropie/configs/coleco/retroarch.cfg %ROM%"
default = "lr-fbneo-cv"
So I was all gung ho on switching over to this core, but now realizing I hate this thing.
The reason is that it refuses to run any .rom files. Instead it only wants a specific rom set that cvAddicts does not use and most importantly requires really crappy 5 letter file names with zip at the end.
Dat File
dkong instead of donkey-kong-1982.rom. At least dkong I can guess at, most of the titles are crap. Sure I guess this is a mame convention but still it's annoying. Why do we still have to support dos and 8 character file names?
Eventually I'll have to switch over to this emu, for nmow skipping
To Install
telnet in
sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
Manage Packages
Manage Optional Packages
install from precompiled binary
This puts in emulators.cfg
coolcv = "/opt/retropie/emulators/coolcv/coolcv_pi %ROM%"
Did not change default though
Run coolcv to generate coolcv_mapping.txt here
Attach a USB Keyboard
Attach Keyboard press F7 to make it show key codes that are pressed.
From this we can get Joystick Button presses.
Here is what I got
- up_1 key1073741906
- right_1 key1073741903
- down_1 key1073741905
- left_1 key1073741904
- Fire Button key1073742048
- P2 Start Key50
- P1 Start Key49
- Left Coin Door Key53
- Right Coin Door Key54
- Back Control 2 Key27
- Back Control 1 Key13
Fixed coolcv_mapping.txt