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Attract Mode

There are two Front Ends on this. Attact Mode and Emulation Station. Attrade has much better UI for Vertical Screens. On startup I launch Attract Mode. I retricted Attract Mode to list ONLY Vertical Arcade Games. I section the vertical games into the following displays.


  1. All - Filters for all types.
  2. Favorites - Pulled from ALL just my favorites. This should be the default to just watch.
  3. Driving Vertical Arcade Games like Turbo
  4. Joystick2Way; games like space invaders, galaga, phoenix.
  5. Joystick4Way; games like donkey kong, frogger, Q-Bert, Dig Dug, Pac Man.
  6. Joystick8Way; games like commando, zaxxon, Contra, gun smoke.
  7. Maze; I put random maze games in here excluding Pac Man. Includes Pac Man clones, etc.
  8. Misc; Odd Games like Sinistar.
  9. Pinball
  10. Platform; Random Vertical Platform games like Mappy
  11. Space Invaders Clones
  12. Spinner games like araknoid, heavy barrel.
  13. Sports games like punchout, wresetling.
  14. topdown vertical games
  15. trackball games like missile command. Note some of these games are not vertical. ie missile command.
  16. Vextrex