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Windows Controls
Desktop Mode is there for you when the other two modes aren’t. When you’re using an application that doesn’t support controllers (or you’re using the Windows desktop), your Ally will enter Desktop Mode, allowing you to move the on-screen cursor with your joystick and select items using the buttons, just as if you were using a traditional mouse. By default, the controls are as follows:
- Move the right joystick to move the cursor
- Press the right bumper (RB) to left-click
- Press the right trigger (RT) to right-click
- Press the A button for Enter
- Press the B button for Esc
There are lots of other shortcuts available in Desktop mode, but these will perform the basic functions. To see all the button mappings for desktop mode, just press and hold the Armoury Crate button on the controller — it’ll show you all the default functions you can access in Desktop Mode.