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Emulation Wii

  1. Retrobat wii


Wii is the most annoying console to emulate (without standard wii controls). Trying to find controls that work is very difficult. The default auto doesn't seem to work right. We need to tell retrobat we want to use a standard controller instead of real wii controller. To do this we need to set Wiimote Type to Emulated.
Controls -> Wiimote Type -> Emulated.

I recommend we set this at the wii system level under Advanced Config.
Main Menu -> Game Settings -> Per System Advanced Configuration -> Wii -> Controls -> Wiimote Type -> Emulated.


Emulated Devices

There are 11 emulated device types.
  1. Auto
  2. Classic Controller
  3. WIIMOTE: Horizontal
  4. WIIMOTE: Cursor/Swing
  5. WIIMOTE: Cursor/Tilt
  6. WIIMOTE: Swing/Cursor
  7. WIIMOTE: Tilt/Cursor
  8. WIIMOTE: Swing/Tilt
  9. WIIMOTE: Tilt/Swing
  10. WIIMOTE: Cursor/Nunchuck
  11. WIIMOTE: Nunchuck/Cursor
  12. WIIMOTE: Swing/Nunchuck

Classic Controller

A Classic Controller was released for the wii. It works pretty much like a gamecube/xbox controller.
List if wii games with Classic controller support
Super Smash Bros WII is recommended to use Claiss Controller Sccheme

WIIMOTE Horizontal

This is the default layout that should be used for games requiring you to hold the wiimotes sideways, this can be useful for games such as New Super Mario Bros Wii


Cursor - There is a pointer at the tip of the wii that when pointed at the screen acts like a mouse. In animal crossing this is the hand.


Nunchuck - Connected to main wiimote with a wire and had to buttons and a joystick on it.

Per Game Controller Settings