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Naomi is basically a an Arcade Dreamcast with more RAM. I mainly became interested in naomi because of House Of the Dead 2 with a texture Pack. I can only find texture packs for Naomi, not DreamCast. I have tested it with the 2 GB Texture Pack and it is noticibly better. Graphics wise this is the best. The controls seem off though on a joystick. Also sometimes it enters servce menu. Need to figure out what button is launching the service menu.
naomi on retrobat
Emulators that support Naomi
lr-flycast is the best since we get RGUI to dump textures and determine the folder name that it needs to read from.
- lr-flycast
- Flycast standalone
- Demul standalone
Getting HOTD2 to run was a PITA.
- All of the files in are in
- None of the emulators seems to care they all want to see a
- Fly cast standalone is fine with the bios file being in the same rom dir
- lr-flycast requires it here RetroBat\bios\dc\
HOTD2 Textures
RetroBat\bios\dc\textures\hotd2 2GB if IMAGES. But I can tell a diffrence. Graphics wise it is the best way to play. Control are wierd though. The pointer keeps going back to center. Not sure how to fix.